Procurement Practices Review

Information Management and Technology (IMT) branch has responsibility over Department of State Development and Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning for developing, delivering and maintaining technology solutions for its clients, as well as ensuring that information is appropriately managed. Based on concerns with how IMT branch operates to procure goods and services in the context of the department’s centre-led model, Charles Kendall Australia (CKA) was engaged to thoroughly review several aspects of IMT branch’s procurement practices.

The Challenge

Within a tight schedule, CKA was required to undertake a comprehensive review of IMT branch procurement practices, particularly with regard to best practice, as well as compliance with departmental policy and procedures. Throughout the engagement, it was necessary for investigations to recognise that IMT branch is comprised of five individual teams, each with unique characteristics and demands.

Our Approach

To undertake the review, CKA organised an array of interviews, conducted records audits, and reviewed policy and procedure documentation at branch, departmental, and whole-of-government levels. The review focused on several key areas of interest such as:

Given the context of a coordinated, whole-of-government approach to procurement of information and communications technologies, the review also reflected on applicable governance regimes relevant to the areas of interest listed.

Additionally, as part of the engagement, CKA also reviewed a nominated high value contract to highlight risks and issues and offer recommendations accordingly.


Spend Analytics for Reserve Bank of Australia

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), Australia's central bank, engaged Charles Kendall Australia (CKA) to perform an in-depth analysis of its procurement spend, and to identify areas for quick-win cost savings. CKA successfully delivered a comprehensive report on spend data across numerous categories and offered recommendations for realistic segmented cost savings.

The Challenge

Our Approach


Procurement Capability Review

Redland City Council (RCC), a local government authority in south-east Queensland, engaged Charles Kendall Australia (CKA) to assist them in moving from prescribed, spend-based procurement activities to a strategic model. CKA undertook a review of RCC's procurement functions and designed strategies to improve efficiency, capability and alignment with corporate objectives.

The Challenge

Our Approach


Spend Analytics and Supplier Management

Leading Australasian food manufacturer, Goodman Fielder International (GFI), responsible for numerous household brands including Meadow Lead, Praise, White Wings and Helga's engaged Charles Kendall Australia to analyse expenditure and identify cost-base reduction opportunities across its manufacturing operations in Papua New Guinea.

The Challenge

Our Approach


Joint Purchasing and Resource Sharing Strategy

The Roads Alliance engaged Charles Kendall Australia (CKA) to review and provide recommendations for improving uptake of Joint Purchasing and Resource Sharing (JP&RS) among local councils in Queensland. CKA identified, developed and implemented a wide range of tools and processes to assist in promoting participation and the associated gains in capacity, efficiency and return.

The Challenge

Our Approach

Development of a JP&RS pilot scheme (and later a full toolkit) to deliver:


International Procurement Agent

The Government of Nauru engaged Charles Kendall (CK) as its international procurement agent in 2013 to aid in improving its supply chain and goods provision services over the course of five years. Since undertaking these duties, CK has transformed the government's procurement standards, saving around $4 million (12% of total spend) annually and significantly increasing reliability, mitigating risk and improving probity across the entire organisation.

The Challenge


CK established a Brisbane buying office to provide end-to-end strategic procurement support, with responsibilities including:


Procurement Process Review and Mapping

Powerlink is a state government owned corporation, which owns, develops, operates and maintains the high voltage electricity transmission network that extends 1700km from north of Cairns to the New South Wales border. To deliver on the business strategy, the Finance & Business Performance Divisional Business Plan 2014/15 committed to undertaking a review of the procurement and contract delivery process as a performance improvement initiative supporting the strategic theme of agile people and processes. Powerlink engaged the services of Charles Kendall Australia to conduct a review of its procurement processes and procedures with the aim of identifying potential improvements and efficiencies.

The Challenge


Identification and analysis of the following:


Procurement Support

Santos engaged Charles Kendall Australia (CKA) to provide additional in-house support to the Contracts and Procurement (C&P) department to assist in establishing strategies and contracts during the Gladstone Liquefied Natural Gas (GLNG) project, a US$18.5 billion gas export venture scheduled for delivery in early 2015. CKA successfully aided in the delivery of procurement activities, enabling financial savings and ensuring stakeholder satisfaction.

The Challenge

Our Approach

CKA supplied long-term resources to provide capacity and stability to the C&P team, ensuring cost, time and quality parameters were met.


Procurement Value Management Project

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) engaged Charles Kendall Australia (CKA) to embed Procurement Value Management (PVM) into the organisation and deliver savings. CKA delivered the PVM project on time and within budget, providing a consistent plan and structure to achieve estimated procurement savings of $140 million.

The Challenge

Our Approach

The team faced a number of challenges including absence of consistent historical records, decentralised procurement activity, and a broad spectrum of stakeholders with conflicting priorities.

In order to fulfil TMRs requirements, CKA:


Capital Works Annual Procurement Plan

Unitywater, a statutory body providing water and sewerage services to the Moreton Bay and Sunshine Coast regions of Australia, engaged Charles Kendall Australia (CKA) to compose its Capital Works Annual Procurement Plan. CKA delivered a timely and highly structured procurement plan that clearly outlined scope and spend strategies, while enabling compliance with both state government and Competition Authority policies.

The Challenge

Our Approach
